

Careers Service

The LSHTM Careers Service provides a range of services for all intensive master's, research degree and diploma students at LSHTM, as well as those who have graduated from the London campus within the past 2 years. Through our Careers Consultants you can access support to help you explore career options and move ahead in your career or further study. Distance Learning students can use our online resources, including online events and workshops (both live and recorded) and information on career options, job hunting, applications and interviews.

To view our programme of workshops and events and to access careers resources please go to the .

Appointments with a Careers Consultant

30 minute one-to-one appointments, available Monday to Friday. You do not need to know what career option you want to pursue in order to come for a careers appointment. They can be used for anything from exploring initial ideas to reviewing an application you are about to submit.

Practice interviews. These give you a chance to practise answering possible interview questions, receive feedback to hone your technique and discuss effective preparation for your forthcoming interview.

Current students can . If you have already graduated from LSHTM please email careers@lshtm.ac.uk to book.

Career workshops

These are led by LSHTM careers consultants and cover a range of topics from ‘How to choose a career’ to information workshops about specific career options. Full details of events are available on .

Employer talks

We regularly arrange employer presentations with opportunities for Q&A. Recent speakers include representatives from CHAI, ICRC, Costello Medical, Local Authority Public Health departments and WPP Health.

Career panels

Our career panel discussions bring together speakers from a range of organisations and roles to give insight into the wide variety of careers within global and public health.

Connecting with alumni

(our alumni platform) gives you direct access to our alumni all over the world. We also run live alumni networking events when circumstances allow.

Alumni talks

Many of our alumni are keen to share their career experiences with current students and to offer support and advice. Previous alumni speakers include Vanessa Kerry, founder of the non-profit Seed Global Health, Elizabeth Pisani, Director of public health consultancy Ternyata Ltd and Bobby Pritt, leading parasitology academic.


in the job feed in the side bar on our Moodle landing page and on LSHTM Connect, our alumni platform. These jobs are sent in from organisations keen to target former and present students at LSHTM.


Graduates and current students can access our online careers information resources at the . These include recordings of events and workshops and written resources on topics including CVs, interviews, networking and job searching.

What students say about us

"Extremely helpful, technical advice about making my CV better. Thanks and I’ll be back."

"Professional but friendly advice!"

"The knowledge and practical advice given was very useful, thank you. Also the enthusiasm from both advisers put me at ease during each session. I’ve been to two one-to-one sessions now."

"Brilliant service; a wonderful careers adviser. Looking forward to the next meeting."

What do our graduates do?

  • Find out about the jobs and employers of LSHTM graduates on What do our graduates do?
  • Read the stories of Alumni across the world and view recorded alumni careers talks on the .

For employers & alumni

Advertise jobs

If you would like to advertise a vacancy to LSHTM students or graduates please email details of the role to careers@lshtm.ac.uk.

Employer presentations & events

We are always keen to hear from companies that would like to participate in our schedule of events, either by giving a short presentation to our students, or by having a presence at one of our larger events. For further information or to register your interest please contact careers@lshtm.ac.uk.

Give an alumni careers talk

We are keen to hear from alumni who would be willing to offer informal advice to students about your job role, organisation and work sector. Please email alumni@lshtm.ac.uk.

LSHTM's Careers Service is part of , University of London, and is assessed according to the Matrix standard.

Contact us