

User feedback and stock suggestions

Getting in touch

Library, Archive & Open Research Services welcomes feedback and is open to your suggestions, comments and views on all aspects of the service. 

You can provide feedback:

  • In person at the Library Enquiries Desk
  • Through your student representatives
  • Using the 
  • Emailing library@lshtm.ac.uk
  • Calling +44 (0)20 7927 2276
  • Or via  or 

How we will deal with your feedback

We will respond to all feedback within 7 working days. By submitting feedback, you agree to Library, Archive & Open Research Services sharing your feedback and our response. Feedback will be anonymised to respect the confidentiality of the individuals concerned.

User surveys

Library, Archive & Open Research Services also gathers feedback from annual student and staff surveys. We use this information to help us ensure that your needs are taken into account as we plan and prioritise for the future.

Stock suggestions

You can also make suggestions for library stock purchases. Please email library@lshtm.ac.uk with your suggestion.


If you are unhappy with how your feedback has been dealt with, please contact:

David Archer
Director of Library, Archive & Open Research Services
+44 (0)20 7927 2281​