
series event

World Report on Disability: 10 years on

Join us as we bring together editors of the World Report on Disability and disability advocates to discuss how the World Report contributed and find out where the World Health Organization is going next.

Young girl smiling outside her family home. Photo credit: International Centre for Evidence in Disability
Photo credit: International Centre for Evidence in Disability

Published on June 10th, 2011, the World Health Organization-World Bank  was the first document to review the global picture on the lives of people with disabilities, and pioneered the 15% prevalence estimate, corresponding to one billion people.  

This report highlighted barriers to health, rehabilitation, environments, education and employment, experienced by people with disabilities. Now, 10 years on, we ask: “How far have we come, and did the World Report on Disability make a difference?”  

Programme and speakers

13.00: Welcome


Professor Tom Shakespeare, LSHTM


Tom co-authored and co-edited the World Report on Disability and is co-Director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability at LSHTM.

13.05: How did we make the World Report on Disability?


, World Health Organization


Alana is Unit Head of Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing at the World Health Organization. From 2007-2014 she was Coordinator for the Disability and Rehabilitation Team, leading the development of the World Report on Disability, as well as the WHO global disability action plan 2014-2021: Better health for all people with disability.  

13.25: What difference did the World Report make on the ground? 


, Founder and CEO of Songambele


Faustina is a disability rights activist and Master Peer trainer for people with disabilities in Africa. She founded Songambele in Tanzania, an organisation promoting the health, education, awareness and social inclusion for people with disabilities.  

13.35: The World Health Organization’s next steps on disability


, World Health Organization


Alarcos is Unit Head of Blindness and Deafness Prevention, Disability and Rehabilitation at the World Health Organization, and oversees the organisation’s work on vision, hearing, rehabilitation and disability. 

13.50: Q&A panel discussion


Professor Tom Shakespeare, LSHTM

Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all. No registration required.


LSHTM International Centre for Evidence in Disability