
series event

​​Ethnic diversity in fertility treatment in 2017-2021 using national register data, United Kingdom​

Green slide with LSHTM Event in white text

​​Previous studies in US and UK have shown disparities in IVF outcomes, differences in perceptions around fertility treatment usage and prevalence of infertility across ethnicities. The mechanism in differences recorded in IVF outcomes by ethnicity is not fully understood due to the complexities of existing social and economic inequalities, pre-existing diseases and other societal factors. 

​In this talk, the speaker will provide a summary of the  report and present how use and outcome of fertility treatment differs by ethnicity in UK. The study used data from the UK national register held by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), where all licensed clinics in the UK are required to submit treatment data. It is believed to be the longest running national database of its kind in the world.​ 

This event is co-hosted by PSG and MARCH.


​​Kazuyo Machiyama, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) and LSHTM

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Free and open to all. No registration required.
