
series event

An autopsy study exploring the spectrum of disease in adults with advanced HIV in South Africa

International bodies have set ambitious targets for reducing numbers of HIV and TB deaths over the next 20 years.  In resource-limited settings, however, cause-specific mortality data are sparse, particularly among HIV-positive individuals.  Pathological autopsies provide the most accurate estimates, but they are logistically challenging to perform and are not done routinely.  Verbal autopsy (VA) is often used to generate population estimates of mortality, though VA methods have not been validated against a robust gold standard for HIV and TB deaths.

This seminar will discuss findings from a study (“Lesedi Kamoso”) which used clinical, autopsy, and VA data to estimate the burden of disease and causes of death among HIV-positive adults dying after enrolment to three large studies of HIV/TB in South Africa.


Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.



Marek at tbseminars@lshtm.ac.uk