

Gender equality

Athena SWAN

The is a framework, managed by Advance HE, which is used across the globe to promote gender equity within higher education and research.

We currently hold an institutional Athena Swan Bronze renewal award, valid until 2029.

Our current award was conferred following a single institutional application, consolidating efforts across faculties, and absorbing previous faculty-level awards.

Our latest submission includes an action plan which focuses on improving gender equity at LSHTM in a number of areas: equitable student recruitment and experience, inclusive organisational culture and equitable recruitment, career development and progression for staff. 

LSHTM Institutional Bronze Athena Swan Submission 2023 (pdf)

Further information can be found on the  (intranet).

Athena SWAN bronze award logo

Working Families

We are a member of , a work-life balance charity seeking to remove the barriers that people with caring responsibilities face in the workplace.

Working Families employer member logo

Gender pay gap 

The gender pay gap is the percentage difference between the average pay of men and women across the whole workforce. Read more on LSHTM's gender pay gap analysis