

Health Policy: Process & Power

Individual module

Overview - health policy: process & power

‘Health Policy: Process and Power’ is a Term 1 MSc module designed to introduce students to different ways of understanding how and why changes in health policy take place. It includes discussion and debate of real-world examples of health policy making in low, middle and high-income countries, and provides tools and theory to analyse and act in the health policy arena. Students gain skills in policy analysis necessary for engagement in policy change.

What you will learn

  • Review different basic theoretical approaches and concepts used in policy analysis.
  • Analyse the political systems within which policies are made and the contextual factors that influence policy change.
  • Identify the key actors involved in policy-making and understand the mechanisms of power and influence over policy change.
  • Identify key features of the processes of policy identification, formulation, and implementation.
  • Learn how to use the policy analysis framework introduced during the module in research and/or decision-making.

Who should apply

This module is intended for students interested in the broad political dimensions of health. It assumes no social or political science experience, although it draws on concepts from the field of policy studies and political science more broadly.  It is relevant to those who have lived and worked in low, middle and high-income countries.

Structure - health policy: process & power

Teaching methods/assessments

Health Policy: Process & Power is a 10-credit module with one lecture and one seminar each week for ten weeks. Weekly readings correspond to the lecture content and seminar activities. Seminar groups of around 20 students meet for 90 minutes per week to do activities and have critical discussions of each week’s lecture and reading material. The module assessment is a 1500-word essay on a policy topic of the student’s choice. The teaching team provides extensive support for students writing essays.

Duration and timetable

The module will take place for a half-day (14:30 - 17:00) on Wednesdays for ten weeks, starting Wednesday 2 October until Wednesday 11 December 2024. The half-day session will consist of a lecture immediately followed by a seminar. 

Students will have one Reading Week*, starting on 6 November 2024.

The 1,500-word written assessment is due by 15:00 on Friday 13 December 2024.

*Reading Week is a week during the term where no formal teaching takes place. It is a time for private study, preparing for assessments or attending study/computer skills workshops. 

Individual module fee - Term 1

Module fee

  • £2,820
How to apply
How to apply - individual modules term 1

Applications are now closed for 2024/25 entry.

Application deadline

  • 1 September 2024

Visa information

Please refer to the current visa requirements for short-term study.

Entry requirements

There are no specific entry requirements for this course.