

Centre for History in Public Health and Medical Anthropology Seminar Series - Spring 2023

For the Spring term 2023, we are excited to launch a co-hosted series of seminars between The Centre for History in Public Health and the Medical Anthropology Seminar Series. This is an opportunity to hear world-leading invited speakers on topics including human genome editing, Hepatitis B vaccination, cancer geographies, paid home care, food and nutrition and the making of evidence. These topics will be approached from a primarily historical and/or medical anthropology perspective, enabling participants to encounter new ways of understanding these issues in public health around the globe. The seminars will be of broad interest to those working in public health, including those from humanities and social sciences backgrounds. Seminars will be delivered in person, with a zoom option, and we encourage you to come along and engage with the speakers and your colleagues at this exciting series of events.




Redesigning Life with Shenzhen Speed: CRISPR-Cas9 and Possible Futures of Reproductive Medicine

, University of Oxford

Rose Room, Keppel Street Building

Zoom and Further Info: Here



Cheap Survival and a Too-Expensive Vaccine: Racial Valuation and Hepatitis B in Africa, 1980s-1990s

, UCL​

Room: LG7, Keppel Street Building

Zoom and Further Info: Here



Cartographic Infrastructures: Geographical Pathology, Tumour Safaris and Colonial Networks in British East Africa

and KCL

Room: John Snow B, Keppel Street Building

Zoom and Further Info:



Co-producing Care Knowledges

, Birkbeck, with Caroline Weimar and Dominique Davies

Room:  TBC

Zoom and Further Info: Here



A Colonial Metabolism: Food, Nutrition and Extraction in Malawi


Room: LG7, Keppel Street Building

Zoom and Further Info:



Postponed.  The art of the data-driven expose: Archie Cochrane, Thomas McKeown and mid-20th century medical scepticism


Room: G05, Keppel Street Building

Zoom and Further Info: Here

Short Courses

LSHTM's short courses provide opportunities to study specialised topics across a broad range of public and global health fields. From AMR to vaccines, travel medicine to clinical trials, and modelling to malaria, refresh your skills and join one of our short courses today.