
series event

Using population-based data linkages to investigate multiple sclerosis

Visiting Professor Helen Tremlett, Faculty of Medicine (Neurology) and Canada Research Chair in Neuroepidemiology and Multiple Sclerosis, University of British Columbia, Canada will outline how harnessing population-based health administrative databases can be a powerful approach to furthering our understanding of MS. Using this approach, 2-3 of the following questions will be addressed, time permitting. Each question relates to a published peer-reviewed article by the Tremlett lab. Audience preference will guide which topics are covered:

  • How does MS impact life expectancy?
  • What’s the risk of MS (incidence) and prevalence of MS?
  • What’s the cancer risk in MS?
  • Do the MS disease modifying drugs (beta-interferon) impact long-term disease progression in clinical practice?

What about drug safety?

  1. Do the MS drugs (beta-interferon) alter cancer risk?
  2. What about other adverse events associated with the beta-interferons?
  • How do people with MS attending an MS clinic differ from those who do not?
  • Do comorbidities alter uptake of drug treatments for MS?

Information about speaker

Professor Helen Tremlett, PhD is the Canada Research Chair in Neuroepidemiology and Multiple Sclerosis and Professor at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada in the Faculty of Medicine, Division of Neurology. Her research program is also funded through operating grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the MS Society of Canada, the MS Scientific Research Foundation, the US National MS Society and the UK MS Trust among others.

Trained in pharmacoepidemiology and multiple sclerosis with a PhD from Cardiff University, UK. Heads the Tremlett Lab and the Epidemiology in Multiple Sclerosis research program. Research interests include: the natural history of MS; prognosis and predictors of disease progression in MS; mortality; effectiveness of the immunomodulatory drugs (IMDs) for MS; adverse effects of the MS IMDs; pharmacogenomics; MS epidemiology; incidence and prevalence of MS; life expectancy in MS; comorbidities and MS; pregnancy and MS; impact of parental MS on childhood developmental outcomes; health administrative data; the MS prodrome; the gut microbiome and MS.

Over 140 peer-reviewed papers, view via .


Free to attend and open to all, with no ticket required. Entry will be on a first come, first served basis.
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