
series event

Two approaches to synthesising theory for intervention development

Two approaches to synthesising theory for intervention development:
a synthesis of sociological theories of health-related adolescent risk-taking and a synthesis of theory of change data from school-based interventions to reduce substance use and/or violence.

Dr. Pandora will describe the approach taken in a small pilot study to assess the feasibility of theory synthesis, including a discussion of how theories were found, some philosophical objections to synthesising theory and the strengths and limitations of the approach. Dr. Tancred will detail the aims of a systematic review of school-based interventions to reduce substance use and/or violence for which theory synthesis was carried out, highlighting the approaches to assessing the quality of theory of change descriptions within included studies and outlining a novel meta-ethnographic approach to synthesising theories of change. The key strengths and limitations, both in synthesising theories of change using this method and within systematic reviews more broadly, will also be discussed.

The seminar can be watched on Panopto .