

​​Professor Sir Nick Black's Retirement Celebration​

Green slide with LSHTM Event in white text

​Join us for the retirement celebration​ of ​​Professor Sir Nick Black. You'll hear from staff, students, and colleagues past and present who will share their events and stories of working with Nick.

Professor Nick Black

Programme and speakers

16:00 - Welcome and speeches
  • Liam Smeeth, Director, LSHTM (video recording)
  • Debby Stanley, Department Manager, LSHTM (in person)
  • Dame Anne Marie Rafferty, Professor of Nursing Policy, King’s College London (in person)
  • Arnold Epstein, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard University, USA (video recording)
  • Martin McKee, Professor of European Public Health, LSHTM
  • Dame Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive, The Health Foundation
  • Steven Lewis, Vancouver, Canada (video recording)
  • Nicholas Mays, Professor of Health Policy, LSHTM
  • Nigel Edwards, Ex-Chief Executive, Nuffield Trust
  • John Browne, Professor of Health Services Research, University College, Cork, Ireland (video recording)
17:45 - A personal reflection
  • ​​Professor Sir Nick Black
18:00 - Reception buffet/drinks



Professor Charles Normand, Fellow Emeritus, Public Health & Primary Care, Trinity College, Dublin

Event notices

  • The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception in G90
  • Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available.


Free and open to all. No registration required.