
series event

Mental Health in Africa Event

Mental Health in Africa is a topic that deserves attention. While corruption and trade partnerships stand at the forefront of today’s global concern, it is the crisis of Mental Health that presents the harsh reality of Africa’s growing population. According to Amnesty International Award Winning Photo-Journalist, Robin Hammond, Africans with mental illnesses are abandoned by their governments, forgotten by the aid community, neglected, and abused by entire societies. In conflict regions, “they are resigned to the dark corners of churches, chained to rusted hospital beds, locked away to live behind the bars of filthy prisons.” To foster ongoing conversations about this existing problem, and shed light on the political influence on the issue, we have invited a robust group of panelist to discuss this broad topic of Mental Health in African Countries.


Kayode Ogundamisi, Journalist, Host of Politricks with KO, Political TV Commentator on Nigeria and International Politics

Dr. Peter Hughes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Royal Colleges of Psychiatrists- Works on Mental Health in Somalia and Sierra Leone

Dr. Julian Eaton, Asst. Professor in Global Mental Health at London School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine

Dr. Ranti Lawumi, Psychologist at Talk it Thru, Author of Representing and Relating to 'the other': a Black African woman reflects on research interviews and therapy with Black African women refugees

Venue and date:

King’s College London- Strand Campus, Kings Room K4U.12 (Entry is through the Strand Campus)

30th March 2017

18:30 hrs–20:30 hrs

Spaces are limited so kindly confirm attendance by .



King’s College London- Strand Campus, Kings Room K4U.12 (Entry is through the Strand Campus)