
series event

Evidence in the time of COVID-19

Women crossing a field
Photo: UN Women/Joe Saadewebin

The COVID-19 pandemic has created many immediate and urgent needs for more and better data and evidence about how to protect public health. However, most evidence-generating activities in development have long timelines. How can we shorten timelines for evaluation and synthesis to respond for immediate needs for evidence?    

This discussion on the role and importance of evidence in the midst of this ongoing global health crisis will be the first webinar of 3ie's Virtual Evidence Weeks series, taking place from 7-28 May. 

With leading experts from across the development community, the weekly conversations will be platforms to engage you in participative discussions on how we can address global challenges and ensure evidence improves lives and provide value for money in a world of limited resources. The subsequent panels will cover amplifying the effects of available research, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis and scaling up programmes. 


Speakers will include:

, Program Officer, Global Development and Population, Hewlett Foundation

, Global executive director, J-PAL - Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

, Chief scientific advisor, DFID

, Associate dean, USIU-A; Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers for Africa

Amanda Glassman, Executive vice president and senior fellow, Center for Global Development


Chair: , Executive director, 3ie          





Follow webinar link. Free and open to all.

