
series event

Disgust, Desire and Disease: the role of water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Global Health

Unfortunately, the Global Health Lecture Series talk scheduled on 26 October on water and sanitation (WASH) has been cancelled due to bereavement. Along with everyone at LSHTM and countless former students, we remember Professor Val Curtis, who passed away on 19 October. We hope to arrange a WASH lecture for Term 2. 

For those in need of a fascinating lecture today, Dr Ben Hawkins’ talk from last year about researching the alcohol and tobacco industries is available .


Oliver Cumming, Deputy Director of the Environmental Health Group at LSHTM will give an overview of the state of WASH in the world, show how behaviour change and infrastructure come together to crack these problems, and why WASH has never been more relevant to global health than now. The lecture will draw upon both new science and practical experience.


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all.

