
series event

Designing healthy, sustainable cities with children and young people

Milan City view

This online event will be part of the  series, taking place alongside the  summits in Milan.

The session will explore the connections between cities, children and young people and the environment. During the event, participants will get a preview of new findings from the Children, Cities and Climate (CCC) project on the child health co-benefits of radically cutting fossil fuel burning and air pollution in 16 selected cities around the world. The results of an online global survey asking young people about their views on their cities, including what they like about their urban environment, what they would like to change and what they think about air quality where they live, will also be shared.  

The event will feature a diverse range of panellists, who will share their insights on the topic from different cities across the globe. Participants will also be invited to ask questions and to share their ideas for designing healthy, sustainable cities with and for children and young people.  


  • Dr Robert Hughes, Clinical Research Fellow at LSHTM and Co-Investigator of the CCC project
  • , Education Coordinator, Youth Advocates for Climate Action (Fridays for Future) Philippines
  • , Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues, International Federation of Medical Students Associations
  • , Coordinator of The Art of Health Competition in Zimbabwe
  • ,Youth Advisor, We Don’t Have Time
  • , Research Manager, Shujaaz Inc.
  • , South Asia Regional focal point for SDG7 Youth Constituency under United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, and Co-facilitator of the YOUNGO (UNFCCC YouthConstituency) Cities Working Group

LSHTM CCCPH logo with All4Climate logo


Follow webinar link. Free and open to all. No registration required.

