
series event

Adherence to treatment of chronic diseases: Methodological challenges,a multidisciplinary workshop

Manson Lecture Theatre

Wednesday, 21 September 2016 from 09:00 to 11:00

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Event Information

Adherence can be defined as â€śthe extent to which a person’s behaviour – taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health care provider”.

Poor adherence to treatment of chronic diseases is a worldwide problem of high impact and is growing as the burden of chronic diseases increases worldwide. Low and Middle Income countries are disproportionately affected.

Potential successful interventions to improve adherence can range from patient education, to behavioural interventions, to using new technologies and providing reinforcements and supervision. However, evaluating adherence interventions present many methodological challenges.

The aim of the meeting will be to present adherence related research projects for different chronic conditions (TB, Mental Health, Hypertension, Diabetes, CVD), and from different settings (China, India, Myanmar, Singapore, Colombia, Brazil), and discuss methodological challenges incorporating insights from different disciplines such as biostatistics, qualitative research, and behavioural sciences. Among some of the methodological issues to discuss we will cover definitions, tools to measure adherence, and study designs.

Presentations will include different projects and some of the methodological challenges faced during their implementation.

The session will conclude by identifying some knowledge gaps and a research agenda for the adherence research field.


Chair: Pablo Perel

09.00 – 09.12 

“Improving adherence in secondary cardiovascular prevention in different settings through mobile technology” Speaker: Dr Pablo Perel, Associate Professor, LSHTM

09.15– 09.27 

“Measuring adherence in electronic claims/electronic health record data – pros, cons and examples” Speaker: Dr Sarah-Jo Sinnott, Sir Henry Wellcome Post-Doctoral Fellow, LSHTM

09.30 – 09.42

“Measuring adherence for TB medication in Myanmar and China: challenges and questions”. Speaker: Dr Mishal Khan, Assistant Professor, LSHTM

09.45– 09.57  

“Treating and adherence on e-interventions for mental health”.

Speaker: Asmae Doukani, Research Assistant, LSHTM

10.00– 10.12

“Adherence to Diabetes and Hypertension medications from the patient’s perspective.

Speaker: Dr Helena Legido-Quigley, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

 10.15 – 10.40      

Panel Discussion: Identifying knowledge gaps and a research agenda for the adherence research field.

A panel discussion on the strengths and limitations of the presented data sources and methods to measure adherence, common pitfalls to watch out for, and sources of bias among others. The session will conclude by identifying some knowledge gaps and a research agenda for the adherence research field.

10.40 – 11.00                  

Discussion with audience

Helena Legido Quigley, David Prieto and Pablo Perel, will facilitate the discussion and the contributions from the audience.