
series event

Abortion related research – where are we at and where are the gaps?


The seminar focuses on current and recent abortion related research at the LSHTM and Karolinska Institutet (Sweden). Six researchers and phd-students are presenting their work from Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe, followed by a discussion session on knowledge gaps and future research needs, facilitated by Veronique Filippi.


3:30-5:00pm – Presentations

5:00-5:30pm – Discussions


  • Amanda Cleeve: “Expanding access to post abortion care in Uganda”
  • Tim Powell-Jackson:  “Market for medical abortion in Madhya Pradesh, India”
  • Rachel Scott: “Recourse to abortion in Britain and France: What do you know about young people?”
  • Onikepe Owalabi: “Utilising near miss morbidity as an indicator of unsafe abortion – experience from Zambia”
  • Jenny Cresswell: “Family planning post-menstrual regulation in Bangladesh: adoption, discontinuation  switching”
  • Christopher Smith: “Effect of a mobile phone-based intervention on post-abortion contraception in Cambodia”