
series event

35th Annual Health Services Research Lecture: Professor Kath Checkland

Who needs to see a doctor face-to-face?  

A doctor-patient consultation
Photo credit: Flickr_User

Kath Checkland, professor of health policy and primary care at the Centre for Primary Care, University of Manchester, is a leading health services researcher who also practices in rural Derbyshire. Her main research interest is the impact of national health care policies on primary care organisations, such as the new care models introduced in recent years, and their effects on patients.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the changing nature of the consultation and what that means both for clinical practice and for research.  

In her lecture, she will look at what has happened, what research tells us about remote consultations and what the implications are for the humanistic side of practice.  

This has heightened the need for health services researchers and policy-makers to address the challenge of considering the value of face-to-face interaction, aspects that are very precious for patients and practitioners but difficult to measure. 



Follow webinar link. Free and open to all.

