

Prof Jimmy Whitworth

Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology

United Kingdom

Emeritus Professor, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Jimmy first came to LSHTM in 1990 as a clinical lecturer. working on vector borne parasitic diseases and running as co-course organiser the Public Health in Developing Countries MSc. He has been back at LSHTM since 2015 where he was chair of the Ethics Committee until 2022. He helped to establish the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team in 2017 and was the Deputy Director for Research until 2019. He was also the focal point at LSHTM for WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, a member of the scientific advisory committee for the WHO Research and Development Blueprint for Action to Prevent Epidemics and a member of the Global Coordination Mechanism. He retired in 2021, and is now an emeritus professor and member of the LSHTM ethics committee. he us also a member of the HHCC and CEPR centres at LSHTM.

He worked in The Gambia in 1983-5 for Save The Children in Basse.
Since then he has worked for the MRC on onchocerciasis in Bo, Sierra Leone (1986-90), and on HIV in Uganda (1996-2004).
He worked for the Wellcome Trust from 2004-2015 where he was responsible for development of the scientific portfolio for research in low and middle income countries and the development of capacity strengthening programmes.


Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


Antimicrobial Resistance Centre


International public health
Outbreaks and humanitarian crises
Field epidemiology
Capacity building in low resource settings
HIV in low resource settings
Onchocerciasis and other vector borne parasitic diseases

Selected Publications

Clinical Medicine
Public Health Infrastructure
WHITWORTH, J; LEIR, S; Rokadiya, S; Dar, O; HEYMANN, DL;
Global health 4th edition
KARAFILLAKIS, E; Jalloh, MF; Nuriddin, A; LARSON, HJ; WHITWORTH, J; LEES, S; Hageman, KM; Sengeh, P; Jalloh, MB; Bunnell, R; Carroll, DD; Morgan, O;
BMJ global health
Hawkes, S; K Aulakh, B; Jadeja, N; Jimenez, M; Buse, K; Anwar, I; Barge, S; Odubanjo, MO; Shukla, A; Ghaffar, A; WHITWORTH, J;
Health policy and planning
H3Africa Consortium,; Rotimi, C; Abayomi, A; Abimiku, A; Adabayeri, VM; Adebamowo, C; Adebamowo, C; Adebiyi, E; Ademola, AD; Adeyemo, A; Adu, D; Affolabi, D; Agongo, G; Ajayi, S; Akarolo-Anthony, S; Akinyemi, R; Akpalu, A; Alberts, M; Alonso Betancourt, O; Alzohairy, AM; Ameni, G; Amodu, O; Anabwani, G; Andersen, K; Arogundade, F; ... Zar, H.
Science (New York, N.Y.)
Parkes-Ratanshi, R; Wakeham, K; Levin, J; Namusoke, D; WHITWORTH, J; Coutinho, A; Mugisha, NK; GROSSKURTH, H; Kamali, A; Lalloo, DG; Cryptococcal Trial Team,;
The Lancet infectious diseases
WHITWORTH, JA G; Kokwaro, G; Kinyanjui, S; Snewin, VA; Tanner, M; Walport, M; Sewankambo, N;
Lancet (London, England)
ZABA, B; WHITWORTH, J; MARSTON, M; Nakiyingi, J; Ruberantwari, A; Urassa, M; Issingo, R; Mwaluko, G; FLOYD, S; Nyondo, A; CRAMPIN, A;
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass)
Viney, ME; BROWN, M; Omoding, NE; Bailey, JW; Gardner, MP; Roberts, E; Morgan, D; ELLIOTT, AM; WHITWORTH, JA G;
The Journal of infectious diseases
Kamali, A; Quigley, M; Nakiyingi, J; Kinsman, J; Kengeya-Kayondo, J; Gopal, R; Ojwiya, A; HUGHES, P; Carpenter, LM; WHITWORTH, J;